Housing Law


We can assist you with your Wills and Probate matters including drafting wills and applications for Probate and contentious disputes.

The fixed fee will depend on an assessment by us of the likely amount of time we will spend on the transaction at hourly rates that range from £250 per hour to £320 per hour (dependent on the seniority of the person dealing with the matter).

In addition to our fee, disbursements may be payable. These are costs that are payable to third parties e.g., Probate application fee.

As part of our fixed fee, we will:

  • Arrange a meeting for you to see an experienced probate solicitor who will advise you on the procedure, time usually taken to complete the matter and take full instructions. This meeting can take place at your home if you wish;
  • Make a list of all of the deceased’s assets and debts and write to the banks etc. for a statement of the balance held in the various accounts in order to complete the legal documents required;
  • Write to the beneficiaries of the estate;
  • Complete the Probate Application and the Inheritance Tax return form;
  • Make an application to the Probate Registry;
  • Attend to the statutory advertisement for creditors;
  • Obtain the Probate and then proceed to collect in all assets and pay debts;
  • Prepare an Estate Account and finally make the distribution to the various beneficiaries.


Under a fixed fee agreement, we can assist you with the following problems:

  • Credit Card or other bank debts
  • Rent or mortgage debts
  • Council Tax debts
  • Insolvency matters including bankruptcy, IVA and Debt Relief Orders
  • Multiple debts including all or any of the above

We are one of the very few firms of solicitors conducting this kind of work. 

Welfare Benefits

Our Welfare Benefit lawyer can assist you with the following problems under a fixed fee agreement:

  • Advice on edibility for all benefits including Universal Credit, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support and Employment and Support Allowance
  • Appeals against benefit decisions including those reducing or stopping benefit awards and overpayment decisions.  This includes taking appeals to the Tribunals Service and the Upper Tribunal
  • Assistance with reviews of Social Fund decisions
  • Assistance with challenging Tax Credits decisions including overpayment decisions
  • Making complaints against the conduct of Benefit Agencies in regards to the administration of benefit applications and ongoing claims
  • Housing Benefit appeals relating to supported accommodation

Please contact us if you would like to discuss payment options.

Specialist benefit advice

We provide advice on supported housing and exempt accommodation status including the drafting of policies and procedures, advice notes and correspondence. We can offer the following services.


  • Lodging appeals within the context of exempt accommodation in relation to your organisation’s status, the provision of care, supervision or support, issues of non-commerciality and contrivance, suspensions, overpayments, rent restrictions, and other benefit related matters
  • Preparing submissions to the First-Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal
  • Representing clients at First-Tier Tribunals and the Upper Tribunal (or instructing Counsel as appropriate).

We can also:-

  • request a statement of reasons for a benefit decision
  • initiate appeals
  • collate evidence and draft witness statements
  • prepare written submissions and manage Tribunal directions
  • provide representation at First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal hearings
  • instruct a barrister or advocate on your behalf
  • initiate judicial review proceedings or
  • Make a complaint to the relevant Ombudsman service.

We are committed to providing our clients with high quality legal advice. We provide a personal, professional and proactive approach with competitive fees, resulting in satisfied clients and repeat business.

Best Legal Defence

Safeguarding your rights with unparalleled expertise and unwavering commitment in every legal challenge.

95% Case Win

A testament to our unwavering commitment to securing favorable outcomes for our clients.

Please contact us via email info@courtlandsolicitors.co.uk or by telephone
0208 478 8666 to discuss any of the above matters.